What Are the Inheritance Rules if A Spouse Dies While Separated But Not Divorced?

As of January 1, 2022, amendments to Ontario's Succession Law Reform Act (SLRA) can disqualify separated spouses from inheriting from one another. These changes apply whether a person has a Will (testate) or dies without one (intestate). To inherit despite separation, a Will must explicitly state such an intention. These amendments ensure that separated spouses are treated similarly to divorced individuals regarding inheritance rights. Previously, only divorced spouses were barred from inheriting under an ex-spouse's Will or intestate estate. However, it’s crucial to note that there are specific timing criteria, and the new regulations do not apply to all separated spouses. The changes stem from Bill 245 – the Accelerating Access to Justice Act, 2021. Section 17 of the SLRA was revised to revoke gifts to a "separated spouse" in a Will, mirroring the rules for divorced individuals. For the purposes of these amendments, spouses are considered "separated" if: ...